Wednesday, March 4, 2009


girlfriends- I have learned so much from God since my father passed away in August and then Mike's grandfather passed away 3 weeks ago today. I have really been struggling with depression and anxiety. It has been a rough road for me. But through the messages in Romans that Roger preached. Boy, did it hit home all the things I needed God to speak to me about was in those messages. God has shown me things and taught me so much since August it is truly amazing. SOmetimes I fall off the wagon and have to get back on and try again. Everyone has their days don't they? Faith has been the big issue for me. And I have learned that he is faithful even though sometimes we don't see it. I am not sure I am doing this the right way so hopefully I am. I never knew what on earth is a blog. But, guess I will find out. Love in Christ, Lorie Klyn.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting Lorie and sharing your heart. God has done wonderful things in you!
