Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Humbled by Blogging

Hi, I am Lisa pronounced Lissa. I have been reading the blog and finally tonight I decided to join in. I thought I was following all the directions correctly, but if you looked at the blog at app. 7:00 p.m. you would have seen that I had posted my FACE and story under About Us. Calling Joy in a total state of panic she helped me delete myself and now that I am totally humbled I will try again. I cannot answer the question for the day because I hardly watch TV for the guys control the remote and most of the time hunting shows are playing and if not the sports channel is on. So in saying that I will give a little background for those who don't know me. This year my highschool sweetheart Jeff and I have been married 25 years. Our dream trip is Italy:) We have 5 children. I have been praying for my children's gifts to shine so I could affirm them. This might be a good time to start . . . Josh (22) is an encourager, Zach (18) is patient, Seth (15) is servant hearted, Joel (10) perserveres, and Ana (5) is loving. I have hesitated to blog for I prefer to chat face to face over a warm cup of coffee at Smokey Row, but after reading your comments I am excited to walk together in blogging. Thank you Joy for blessing us with this ministry:)

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