Monday, March 9, 2009

Joining In

Hi all,
I have been watching and reading this blog since its inception, and finally decided to post. I have learned to be careful of what I put on the web, so there may not be a lot revealed. I do thank you for what you have shared. I feel VERY disconnected and it is nice to get to know some of you a little better through this. My name is Sheri Haveman and I have been at Grace for almost 7 (really?!?) years. I joined as a single mom of three young boys (5, 3 and 1) and now my little boys are WAY too grown up for me :-) It is disconcerting to look my oldest in the eye, and I know it won't be too much longer until I have to look "up" to him.
I am the librarian at Pella Christian High School, and my colleague and Grace member Noreen becomes jealous (in a good way) of my job at times :-) I mean, for all the readers out there, how cool is it that I get to buy books and get paid for it?!? Of course I also do a lot of teaching in regards to research skills - choosing correct resources, where and how to find them, how to cite them correctly, etc. The students laugh at me, but it really is a wonderful feeling to see them all busy researching during a class in the library.
I have taught SonZone classes at Grace for 4 or 5 years now and enjoy doing dramas in church as well. As for tv, I am hopeless. I honestly never watch it. If I have any spare time, I always chose a book. I have never seen The Office, ER, Gray's Anatomy or Survivor. I have seen Biggest Loser and Amazing Race, but really no dramas, comedies, anything. I probably couldn't even name any :-(
I hope everyone is having a good day despite the gloominess of the weather.


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