Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Welcome to our blog

Welcome to the Women of Grace blog. I am so glad that you are here. Creating a blog for the women of Grace Fellowship to share, connect and learn more about each other, themselves and their Heavenly Father has been on my heart for quite some time. This week it just started pressing on me for many reasons. I would like to try and explain what happened and how I feel like now the Spirit has lead me (us) to this place.
I woke up Sunday morning and in getting ready for church I couldn't shake the feeling of disconnectedness. We have been gone a couple of Sundays, in the nursery for 1 and I taught son zone for 2 so I was feeling a little "out of the loop." And I heard Roger's sermon and said "Huh...ok that was good." and I went home. On Monday for some strange reason I decided to set up a facebook site, account, whatever the term is for it. I had some Florida pictures I love and I wanted to share them with the world. :) I was amazed at how quickly I got "connected" within just a few minutes of being on there. So this is what this is all about. Quick conversations with friends, cute videos of my great nieces, people I haven't talked to in ages writing on my wall! This was great. Then I saw another post from someone else who also felt disconnected on Sunday and I just stopped in my tracks. I was thankful I was not alone but also mindful that Satan wants us to feel like that and maybe we will isolate and not talk to others and not grow.
And I realized this facebook and blogging thing is all about being known. Share what you are doing now, look at pictures of my kids, read my profile, this is what I read, love, value.... It reminded me of when Roger was talking about repentance on Sunday, we want God to know us, really know us. God built us to be in relationships, to share, to be known , be accepted in our "communities" and "groups," to be with others who are like us.
So this is how this came to pass, Facebook is great but for an ADD mind like mine I can't focus on one thought because there is so much to do and see. I wanted to give us a place to share our thoughts, maybe you read a cool devotional and you want to tell someone about it, maybe you want to process out a sermon or bible study, maybe you have a prayer request or you just feel like you want to share your heart. Whatever you post is ok. There are no rights or wrongs except to be sure if you are commenting on someone's post please make sure you are doing so in love-just like how we talk to each other now. Also when you post sign your name because otherwise it will say "Women of Grace" and we won't know who posted it.
So that's it...I am praying over this site that God will be glorified and you will be blessed.
Blessings to you,

1 comment:

  1. Hi Joy,
    I'm grateful you began this. It's been fun to read the posts and see who is there with each passing day. I hope you jump in again with another post yourself...remember, you are our fearless leader!
    And yes, it has served a purpose of bringing a few closer together. I have had no opportunity yet to speak to Lisa Morgan, but if I saw her now, I'd have a starting point for a conversation because of this blog.
    I thought about how reluctant many of us here sound in beginning to reveal anything about ourselves in as public a place as a blog. "If you really knew me you might not like me..." is the common refrain.
    Yet I think of Beth Moore who reveals her fears, her impatience, her angers, her joys, her embarrassments, etc. Do I like her less? I like her more.
