Monday, February 23, 2009

Favorite Movie and stuff

Hello! It has been great to read all of your posts. I have loved learning a little more about each of you.
Our question of the week is "What is your favorite movie?" Of course this stems from me having watched the Oscars last night. I watched because I had actually seen one of the nominated Best Movies-Slumdog Millionare. I loved that movie. It stayed with me for a few days afterward. It showed very well a saying I keep on my wall at work "Every happening is a parable by which God speaks to us. The art of life is to get the message." I believe that everything that we encounter as a challenge or opportunity is God saying first this and then I will build on that and then that and so on and so on. I can rest in the fact that I know I will never be complete until I am with Him so I can keep working and serving and obeying Him. I don't know if Danny Boyle, the director of Slumdog Millionare, intended that for his movie but it shows how God can work everything together for His good. :)
I realized in reading your posts that all of you shared so much about yourselves and that is not something I am really good at. Oh I like to talk that is for sure but to tell all about my world is not what I usually do. But if I want to be known I guess I had better make the leap.
First of all, I have been married for 13 years to Steve. I can write a whole post about him so I will save all I can say about him. The same goes for my kids but I think they could fill a book. There are 4 of them-Brady-11, Isaac-10, Libby-6, Jett-4. They keep me honest and they keep me humble.
I am a nurse and I work at Blank Children's Hospital. I worked for several years in the Peds ER but now I go around the state and educate healthcare providers about taking care of sick kids. I love my job. Each of us in our department recently took a test of sorts to determine our strengths and I have to tell you I was a little suprised by mine. I was looking over my personal printout today and just kept thinking, "These aren't strengths, this how God made me, or this is because of my faith." Anyway I will try to explain. I apparently have 5 strengths emerged from this exercise. My first strength was Adaptability. It means that I don't get ruffled in rapidly changing circumstances. I also read it can make me appear aloof or I don't care. They say to call it "productive flexibility." I call it "God is in control and I will be ok." The second is Ideation. I love new ideas, hence this blog. I just feel like this is when I am in close relationship with the Father the Spirit is able to work more in me and on me and I am open to new things. The second is Input. Well, I relate this to my hunger for the Scripture. I am seeking God's input through His word and I want to know it to my core. I love looking at the original Greek and Hebrew as well because sometimes this helps me understand it a bit more. In the spirit of full disclosure, I also love to Google everything and I love CNN. I love information. Sometimes I am just trying to connect the dots and see where God is working in everything. Strategic is supposedly another strength although I have a hard time embracing this. Most of the time I feel like I am running around like a chicken with my head cut off. The one thing I read about this that's true is that I need alone time. I can tell in my attitude when I just need to block off an extended period of time with Jesus and just rest in Him. I take the time to read, journal, pray, whatever. The last one is Communication. I guess based on this lengthy post no one should be suprised. What God is working in me right now is what I share about my personal life. I am, in some ways, an open book but there are somethings I keep very close. Where I am right now is thinking about my story and how to share that so that God and only God gets the glory for bringing me to where I am.
Well, I think that's enough for today. Ok ladies. Your turn. Start with what's your favorite movie? Then if there's anything else to share, feel free.
Blessings to you,

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