Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Favorite movie?

This question is a puzzle for me too. I could tell you favorite movies of my past. Let's see...Sixteen Candles, Titanic (ugh, I can't believe I liked that one so much!), Pretty Woman, While You Were Sleeping. I really don't know what my current favorite is. The movies I watch now are G and PG ones that my kids enjoy. Lately, our family has been watching all the Star Wars episodes in sequential order. If I have to choose, I would say my favorite is Sound of Music. I still cry when Maria and Captain Von Trapp get married.
Here's some more info about myself: I've been married to my high school sweetheart, Jeremy, for 14 1/2 years. We have three kids that we love,love, love, but challenge us somedays. Tressa just turned 9 last week and is in 3rd grade. Jacob (6) is a first grader. Gabe is 2--and that pretty well sums him up! Jeremy and I own First Light Enterprises which is a vending company. You can check out our newly finished website at designed by Grace's very own Erin Rolffs). I used to be more involved in the business doing bookwork, etc, but God called me out of that almost a year ago. It's one of those cool God-stories. Now, I stay home with our kids, and I spend one day a week volunteering in the worship ministry at Grace.
I've been really enjoying reading the posts and getting to know more about all of you!

Jodi Vos

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