This question is a puzzle for me too. I could tell you favorite movies of my past. Let's see...Sixteen Candles, Titanic (ugh, I can't believe I liked that one so much!), Pretty Woman, While You Were Sleeping. I really don't know what my current favorite is. The movies I watch now are G and PG ones that my kids enjoy. Lately, our family has been watching all the Star Wars episodes in sequential order. If I have to choose, I would say my favorite is Sound of Music. I still cry when Maria and Captain Von Trapp get married.
Here's some more info about myself: I've been married to my high school sweetheart, Jeremy, for 14 1/2 years. We have three kids that we love,love, love, but challenge us somedays. Tressa just turned 9 last week and is in 3rd grade. Jacob (6) is a first grader. Gabe is 2--and that pretty well sums him up! Jeremy and I own First Light Enterprises which is a vending company. You can check out our newly finished website at designed by Grace's very own Erin Rolffs). I used to be more involved in the business doing bookwork, etc, but God called me out of that almost a year ago. It's one of those cool God-stories. Now, I stay home with our kids, and I spend one day a week volunteering in the worship ministry at Grace.
I've been really enjoying reading the posts and getting to know more about all of you!
Jodi Vos
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
catching up on all points
Although I've posted twice, I've never really said anything much about myself, my creepiest animal choice, or favorite movie either. So here goes to catch up: My husband and I moved to Pella about a year and a half ago. We are the parents of Kari Ringgenberg Pingel (5th grade teacher at Jefferson here in Pella). She is a Central College grad (that's when I first ever entered this fair town a few years back) and her husband Eric went here also (where they met). They have four children: Wade 14, Jordan 12, Kjersten (Kiki) 9 and Annika 8. That is basically what brought us here in our retirement. I had been retired from teaching 7th and 8th grade English and reading for all of one year (my husband was a principal), and the first year I moved here, I ended up finishing out the year for a teacher who had to quit. That was kind a shock to my system but also a good thing. So we went to school clear out into June due to all the snow, and I finished up on a Thursday and on a Monday I began at Gosselink's Christian Bookstore (where I continue part-time to this moment). I love that the Lord gave me that opportunity...and truly it is one of those things where I can see His hand at work saying, "Here's the desire of your heart. Go for it." I had been known to say for the last two years of teaching that when I retired I just wanted a little part time job in a bookstore. I had a steep learning curve at the bookstore, but now when I ask someone, "May I help you with anything?" I occasionally can actually help them!! I love it there!
Ok, I have three other daughters, two are married, and so I have nine grandchildren in all. My "baby" is 24 years old, and I had her at age 40, and she's still single. She's in military intelligence at McConnell AFB in Wichita, but it's a long story as to how she got there. She would so not strike you as the military type. The next older sister is also at McConnell AFB.
I thought about what creeps me out most in the creepy, crawly world. I have to say it's centipedes. The first home we ever owned was an older house in Mt. Vernon, Iowa, that we sort of gutted and it turned out nicely. But around once a month or so, I would encounter one of these amazingly large, incredibly fast scuttling "things." I didn't even know what they were for sure the first time I saw one. You almost can never catch one and kill it! Oh, makes me tremble and turn sick even now. I could be reduced to a complete baby that wanted to move back home with "mama" when I saw one. One time one was in my underwear drawer. I screamed and slammed the drawer shut. My husband (bless his soul) went through all my "articles" and never found it. It never showed up in there again, but for the remaining two years I had to pull out things very slowly and inspect them...that after drenching every last inch of that dresser with insecticide. (I know that God had a plan for bugs and disgusting things...but all those legs??)
My favorite movie of ALL time is Dr. Zhivago. It is a beautiful love story set against the Russian Revolutionary times! Yes, this reveals my age, but you can already have that figured out. Our most watched movie together (my husband and I) is The Shawshank Redemption. But who can forget the first time I saw Star Wars (in a theater in Des Moines) when it had just first come out. There had been NOTHING like that up until then. And who can forget Peter Jackson's magnificent Lord of the Rings series. And yes, I too loved The Princess Bride! It caused us to go around for weeks saying, "My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die!" in our best accents. I also once was giving a spelling test and the word I pronounced was "marriage." I then pronounced it in my best wacky priest accent from The Princess Bride, "Mah-waaage," and about three kids looked up and said "The Princess Bride!!"
So I suppose I should get P.S. I Love You from Netflix, huh?
Lana Ringgenberg
Ok, I have three other daughters, two are married, and so I have nine grandchildren in all. My "baby" is 24 years old, and I had her at age 40, and she's still single. She's in military intelligence at McConnell AFB in Wichita, but it's a long story as to how she got there. She would so not strike you as the military type. The next older sister is also at McConnell AFB.
I thought about what creeps me out most in the creepy, crawly world. I have to say it's centipedes. The first home we ever owned was an older house in Mt. Vernon, Iowa, that we sort of gutted and it turned out nicely. But around once a month or so, I would encounter one of these amazingly large, incredibly fast scuttling "things." I didn't even know what they were for sure the first time I saw one. You almost can never catch one and kill it! Oh, makes me tremble and turn sick even now. I could be reduced to a complete baby that wanted to move back home with "mama" when I saw one. One time one was in my underwear drawer. I screamed and slammed the drawer shut. My husband (bless his soul) went through all my "articles" and never found it. It never showed up in there again, but for the remaining two years I had to pull out things very slowly and inspect them...that after drenching every last inch of that dresser with insecticide. (I know that God had a plan for bugs and disgusting things...but all those legs??)
My favorite movie of ALL time is Dr. Zhivago. It is a beautiful love story set against the Russian Revolutionary times! Yes, this reveals my age, but you can already have that figured out. Our most watched movie together (my husband and I) is The Shawshank Redemption. But who can forget the first time I saw Star Wars (in a theater in Des Moines) when it had just first come out. There had been NOTHING like that up until then. And who can forget Peter Jackson's magnificent Lord of the Rings series. And yes, I too loved The Princess Bride! It caused us to go around for weeks saying, "My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die!" in our best accents. I also once was giving a spelling test and the word I pronounced was "marriage." I then pronounced it in my best wacky priest accent from The Princess Bride, "Mah-waaage," and about three kids looked up and said "The Princess Bride!!"
So I suppose I should get P.S. I Love You from Netflix, huh?
Lana Ringgenberg
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
TVZ movie response
this week's question was probably supposed to be easy, but it just isn't for me. i've been agonizing over it. enough is enough i told myself, just pick one. stop over analyzing the options! so, here it is:
i'm not going to explain it, nor justify it. but right now it's my pick. i don't like to watch movies twice, just like i don't like to retrace any portion of my route when i go for a walk. BUT, this movie i've watched twice, 2 DAYS IN A ROW, in the theatre both times. and would love to see it again!
i love going to the theatre even though it's crazy expensive. going to the movies with avery and carver is my favorite thing to do with them. as a result, i've seen nearly every G and PG movie that has come to pella in the last 6 years. most recent was Paul Blart Mall Cop and Hotel for Dogs. whenever i'm in doubt about whether a movie will be appropriate for them, i defer to the reviews posted at it's a website of Focus on the Family. avery would tell you that it's the website's fault that he didn't get to see Pink Panther 2.
it's delightful to read these blog entries!
Trish Van Zee
i'm not going to explain it, nor justify it. but right now it's my pick. i don't like to watch movies twice, just like i don't like to retrace any portion of my route when i go for a walk. BUT, this movie i've watched twice, 2 DAYS IN A ROW, in the theatre both times. and would love to see it again!
i love going to the theatre even though it's crazy expensive. going to the movies with avery and carver is my favorite thing to do with them. as a result, i've seen nearly every G and PG movie that has come to pella in the last 6 years. most recent was Paul Blart Mall Cop and Hotel for Dogs. whenever i'm in doubt about whether a movie will be appropriate for them, i defer to the reviews posted at it's a website of Focus on the Family. avery would tell you that it's the website's fault that he didn't get to see Pink Panther 2.
it's delightful to read these blog entries!
Trish Van Zee
What is my favorite movie

As long as I can remember this question I have always given the same answer: The Princess Bride. Years have gone by, my movie likes have changed, I've grown older, and I still have to give the same answer. Sure there have been some great movies made. But none compares to ultimate enjoyment I have seeing that movie again, again, and again. It is humor that is perfection. It is a movie the whole family can watch, and it is definitely a movie I will make my kids sit down and enjoy.
Hi, I'm Jean. We've been in Pella for 2.5 years. I'm lovin' Iowa! Born and raised in Northern Wisconsin, I used to think you Iowans were all a little...well...full of corn. But Iowans are seriously, the warmest, caring, loving people I know. So don't change a thing. I discovered this first hand when we had lived here a week and the guy to inspect our septic tank asked me if we had found a church yet. I thought, "seriously, the septic guys cares about my soul that much?" It is awesome. And from the moment Travis asked me, "are you willing to move Iowa?" I knew God would be with us and bless us even more with each move we make.
I've never blogged before. Is that a verb? But knowing you guys (through Grace Fellowship) and this new blog is a nice thing to do over a cup of tea.
God Bless,
Jean Gustafson
Monday, February 23, 2009
First time blogger
Ok. I actually have a night when I have a bit of energy left . . . probably because none of my four kids needed homework help! Yippee! Why do those nasty teachers have to assign homework anyway? Oh, yeah. I teach English at Pella Christian High, so I guess I'm one of the nasties, aren't I?
I have never "blogged" before, either. Being a philosophical sort, I'm not sure about the whole thing yet, but I don't want to be a technophobe either, so . . . here goes.
I have been married 20 years this April to Bruce, who is a dairy farmer. He is the best thing in my life and I when I cry at romantic movies I tell my daughter it's because the gorgeous young starry-eyed couple waltzing around in the rain reminds me so much of her dad and I. She rolls her eyes at that for some reason.
We have four kids--3 teenagers and a 10-year-old. Our oldest is going through the whole college application deal right now. I'm trying not to "help" more than I'm wanted, but as much as I'm expected to ?!?
I teach part-time a PCHS and spend most of the rest of my time driving, cooking and doing laundry, and helping with homework. When I can, I retreat to my room for a few pages of reading a good book--they can be hard to find, so if you have any suggestions . . . fiction only, please, but no historical romances or anything too scary. :)
I've enjoyed being part of Grace's praise teams the past 9 years, but can relate to the feeling of disconnect expressed by others, though in my case I feel it has been somewhat of my own doing for various reasons over the past couple years.
My most hated creature is a spider--I don't see snakes that often and when I do, we are outside where there is plenty of room for me to run away. In the house, those spiders are too close, and if you don't kill them, where might they follow you to?
Favorite movie of all times is "It's a Wonderful Life." Around Christmas when I feel harried and can relate to George Bailey, he reminds me what it's all really about.
Right now I will confess that I like High School Musical III--ok, very junior high, I know, but man I wish I could dance like that. What a hoot! And since I teach high schoolers and am kind of surrounded by them at home as well, I guess I just relate to that story--and it's romantic. :) And clean. And non-violent. I just watched a couple Batman movies, which I enjoyed, but the death toll . . .
I have enjoyed reading posts by both those I have know a long time and those of you whom I am just meeting.
Thanks for sharing with me!
Noreen Vander Wal
I have never "blogged" before, either. Being a philosophical sort, I'm not sure about the whole thing yet, but I don't want to be a technophobe either, so . . . here goes.
I have been married 20 years this April to Bruce, who is a dairy farmer. He is the best thing in my life and I when I cry at romantic movies I tell my daughter it's because the gorgeous young starry-eyed couple waltzing around in the rain reminds me so much of her dad and I. She rolls her eyes at that for some reason.
We have four kids--3 teenagers and a 10-year-old. Our oldest is going through the whole college application deal right now. I'm trying not to "help" more than I'm wanted, but as much as I'm expected to ?!?
I teach part-time a PCHS and spend most of the rest of my time driving, cooking and doing laundry, and helping with homework. When I can, I retreat to my room for a few pages of reading a good book--they can be hard to find, so if you have any suggestions . . . fiction only, please, but no historical romances or anything too scary. :)
I've enjoyed being part of Grace's praise teams the past 9 years, but can relate to the feeling of disconnect expressed by others, though in my case I feel it has been somewhat of my own doing for various reasons over the past couple years.
My most hated creature is a spider--I don't see snakes that often and when I do, we are outside where there is plenty of room for me to run away. In the house, those spiders are too close, and if you don't kill them, where might they follow you to?
Favorite movie of all times is "It's a Wonderful Life." Around Christmas when I feel harried and can relate to George Bailey, he reminds me what it's all really about.
Right now I will confess that I like High School Musical III--ok, very junior high, I know, but man I wish I could dance like that. What a hoot! And since I teach high schoolers and am kind of surrounded by them at home as well, I guess I just relate to that story--and it's romantic. :) And clean. And non-violent. I just watched a couple Batman movies, which I enjoyed, but the death toll . . .
I have enjoyed reading posts by both those I have know a long time and those of you whom I am just meeting.
Thanks for sharing with me!
Noreen Vander Wal
Favorite Movie and stuff
Hello! It has been great to read all of your posts. I have loved learning a little more about each of you.
Our question of the week is "What is your favorite movie?" Of course this stems from me having watched the Oscars last night. I watched because I had actually seen one of the nominated Best Movies-Slumdog Millionare. I loved that movie. It stayed with me for a few days afterward. It showed very well a saying I keep on my wall at work "Every happening is a parable by which God speaks to us. The art of life is to get the message." I believe that everything that we encounter as a challenge or opportunity is God saying first this and then I will build on that and then that and so on and so on. I can rest in the fact that I know I will never be complete until I am with Him so I can keep working and serving and obeying Him. I don't know if Danny Boyle, the director of Slumdog Millionare, intended that for his movie but it shows how God can work everything together for His good. :)
I realized in reading your posts that all of you shared so much about yourselves and that is not something I am really good at. Oh I like to talk that is for sure but to tell all about my world is not what I usually do. But if I want to be known I guess I had better make the leap.
First of all, I have been married for 13 years to Steve. I can write a whole post about him so I will save all I can say about him. The same goes for my kids but I think they could fill a book. There are 4 of them-Brady-11, Isaac-10, Libby-6, Jett-4. They keep me honest and they keep me humble.
I am a nurse and I work at Blank Children's Hospital. I worked for several years in the Peds ER but now I go around the state and educate healthcare providers about taking care of sick kids. I love my job. Each of us in our department recently took a test of sorts to determine our strengths and I have to tell you I was a little suprised by mine. I was looking over my personal printout today and just kept thinking, "These aren't strengths, this how God made me, or this is because of my faith." Anyway I will try to explain. I apparently have 5 strengths emerged from this exercise. My first strength was Adaptability. It means that I don't get ruffled in rapidly changing circumstances. I also read it can make me appear aloof or I don't care. They say to call it "productive flexibility." I call it "God is in control and I will be ok." The second is Ideation. I love new ideas, hence this blog. I just feel like this is when I am in close relationship with the Father the Spirit is able to work more in me and on me and I am open to new things. The second is Input. Well, I relate this to my hunger for the Scripture. I am seeking God's input through His word and I want to know it to my core. I love looking at the original Greek and Hebrew as well because sometimes this helps me understand it a bit more. In the spirit of full disclosure, I also love to Google everything and I love CNN. I love information. Sometimes I am just trying to connect the dots and see where God is working in everything. Strategic is supposedly another strength although I have a hard time embracing this. Most of the time I feel like I am running around like a chicken with my head cut off. The one thing I read about this that's true is that I need alone time. I can tell in my attitude when I just need to block off an extended period of time with Jesus and just rest in Him. I take the time to read, journal, pray, whatever. The last one is Communication. I guess based on this lengthy post no one should be suprised. What God is working in me right now is what I share about my personal life. I am, in some ways, an open book but there are somethings I keep very close. Where I am right now is thinking about my story and how to share that so that God and only God gets the glory for bringing me to where I am.
Well, I think that's enough for today. Ok ladies. Your turn. Start with what's your favorite movie? Then if there's anything else to share, feel free.
Blessings to you,
Our question of the week is "What is your favorite movie?" Of course this stems from me having watched the Oscars last night. I watched because I had actually seen one of the nominated Best Movies-Slumdog Millionare. I loved that movie. It stayed with me for a few days afterward. It showed very well a saying I keep on my wall at work "Every happening is a parable by which God speaks to us. The art of life is to get the message." I believe that everything that we encounter as a challenge or opportunity is God saying first this and then I will build on that and then that and so on and so on. I can rest in the fact that I know I will never be complete until I am with Him so I can keep working and serving and obeying Him. I don't know if Danny Boyle, the director of Slumdog Millionare, intended that for his movie but it shows how God can work everything together for His good. :)
I realized in reading your posts that all of you shared so much about yourselves and that is not something I am really good at. Oh I like to talk that is for sure but to tell all about my world is not what I usually do. But if I want to be known I guess I had better make the leap.
First of all, I have been married for 13 years to Steve. I can write a whole post about him so I will save all I can say about him. The same goes for my kids but I think they could fill a book. There are 4 of them-Brady-11, Isaac-10, Libby-6, Jett-4. They keep me honest and they keep me humble.
I am a nurse and I work at Blank Children's Hospital. I worked for several years in the Peds ER but now I go around the state and educate healthcare providers about taking care of sick kids. I love my job. Each of us in our department recently took a test of sorts to determine our strengths and I have to tell you I was a little suprised by mine. I was looking over my personal printout today and just kept thinking, "These aren't strengths, this how God made me, or this is because of my faith." Anyway I will try to explain. I apparently have 5 strengths emerged from this exercise. My first strength was Adaptability. It means that I don't get ruffled in rapidly changing circumstances. I also read it can make me appear aloof or I don't care. They say to call it "productive flexibility." I call it "God is in control and I will be ok." The second is Ideation. I love new ideas, hence this blog. I just feel like this is when I am in close relationship with the Father the Spirit is able to work more in me and on me and I am open to new things. The second is Input. Well, I relate this to my hunger for the Scripture. I am seeking God's input through His word and I want to know it to my core. I love looking at the original Greek and Hebrew as well because sometimes this helps me understand it a bit more. In the spirit of full disclosure, I also love to Google everything and I love CNN. I love information. Sometimes I am just trying to connect the dots and see where God is working in everything. Strategic is supposedly another strength although I have a hard time embracing this. Most of the time I feel like I am running around like a chicken with my head cut off. The one thing I read about this that's true is that I need alone time. I can tell in my attitude when I just need to block off an extended period of time with Jesus and just rest in Him. I take the time to read, journal, pray, whatever. The last one is Communication. I guess based on this lengthy post no one should be suprised. What God is working in me right now is what I share about my personal life. I am, in some ways, an open book but there are somethings I keep very close. Where I am right now is thinking about my story and how to share that so that God and only God gets the glory for bringing me to where I am.
Well, I think that's enough for today. Ok ladies. Your turn. Start with what's your favorite movie? Then if there's anything else to share, feel free.
Blessings to you,
Thursday, February 19, 2009
This is kindof fun!!
This is the first chance I've had to look at the blog. And snakes are enough to give me nightmares. I have been known to chase them down with a lawn mower in the past. It makes for interesting designs in the lawn.
My name is Rosa Veenstra. My husband is Bernie. He is an appliance repair man from Bruxvoort's Decorating. His ultimate goal is to get into every house in Pella. So, if you have some appliance not working, just call Bruxvoorts and help him to achieve his goal. I own Gosselinks Christian Bookstore on the square. Most days I love what I do, but I will never understand why God thinks I am equipped to be a business owner. I love people, but don't do so well with numbers.
We have three children. Becky is married to Tim. They live in Davenport and have our only grandchild, Jessa. (Who, by the way, calls me Sunshine - I love that). Rianne is living in Des Moines and does client referrals for Home Instead Senior Care. Brandon is living at home and is currently going to DMACC in Ankeney three days a week. He also leads the ABLAZE youth group.
Bernie and I are leading up the Focus On Marriage Simulcast on Saturday, Feb 28. Our goal is to sell 100 tickets. We are not there yet.....I will be reminding everyone at church on Sunday to get their tickets. On line, they sell for $69, but ours are only $30 a couple (includes lunch), thanks to Marion County Bank underwriting the costs.
Okay, I didn't intend to make this an advertisement, but oh well, gotta do what I gotta do....Stop in the store to say "hi" and pick up your ticket.
Rosa Veenstra
My name is Rosa Veenstra. My husband is Bernie. He is an appliance repair man from Bruxvoort's Decorating. His ultimate goal is to get into every house in Pella. So, if you have some appliance not working, just call Bruxvoorts and help him to achieve his goal. I own Gosselinks Christian Bookstore on the square. Most days I love what I do, but I will never understand why God thinks I am equipped to be a business owner. I love people, but don't do so well with numbers.
We have three children. Becky is married to Tim. They live in Davenport and have our only grandchild, Jessa. (Who, by the way, calls me Sunshine - I love that). Rianne is living in Des Moines and does client referrals for Home Instead Senior Care. Brandon is living at home and is currently going to DMACC in Ankeney three days a week. He also leads the ABLAZE youth group.
Bernie and I are leading up the Focus On Marriage Simulcast on Saturday, Feb 28. Our goal is to sell 100 tickets. We are not there yet.....I will be reminding everyone at church on Sunday to get their tickets. On line, they sell for $69, but ours are only $30 a couple (includes lunch), thanks to Marion County Bank underwriting the costs.
Okay, I didn't intend to make this an advertisement, but oh well, gotta do what I gotta do....Stop in the store to say "hi" and pick up your ticket.
Rosa Veenstra
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
to answer Joy' question of the week - SNAKES without a doubt - there's a reason Satan was a snake way back in Genesis...they are evil!
this is Tricia (Trish) Van Zee. i don't yet have a personal blog, but there's lots about me on facebook. im spontaneous and random.
My husband is Lance, and we have 3 sons Avery (9), Carver (5), and Davis (10 months). Lance is self-employed as a finish/trim carpenter. Avery is in 3rd grade at Madison, Carver is in Pre-K at Lincoln, and Davis is cared for by Miss Laura each day while I work at Pella Corp in HR. I manage the areas of compensation, benefits, payroll, and HRIS. i love mondays, because 2 days at home in a row is enough for me. i love tuesdays because my house gets cleaned.
for those who may not know, my parents are Larry & Sheryl Hanthorn (also members of Grace) - i am their oldest daughter.
i believe every morning as im driving to daycare and then work that God puts on the radio the "right" song for me that day. today it was "Voice of Truth". and i was reminded how God spontaneously led me to New Orleans with a group from Grace nearly 3 years ago, and how i have changed since then. i chose to "listen and believe the Voice of Truth". i have always believed, but not always listened. doing both is DYNAMIC! that trip renewed my passion for teens, and brought me back as a leader of Grace GUYs & GALs and i love it! so i also look forward to wednesdays (are you sensing a pattern here?)
i've been too self-sufficient for too many years, and God has been doing a new thing with me by removing my barriers to connecting. i look forward to connecting through this blog.
Trish Van Zee
this is Tricia (Trish) Van Zee. i don't yet have a personal blog, but there's lots about me on facebook. im spontaneous and random.
My husband is Lance, and we have 3 sons Avery (9), Carver (5), and Davis (10 months). Lance is self-employed as a finish/trim carpenter. Avery is in 3rd grade at Madison, Carver is in Pre-K at Lincoln, and Davis is cared for by Miss Laura each day while I work at Pella Corp in HR. I manage the areas of compensation, benefits, payroll, and HRIS. i love mondays, because 2 days at home in a row is enough for me. i love tuesdays because my house gets cleaned.
for those who may not know, my parents are Larry & Sheryl Hanthorn (also members of Grace) - i am their oldest daughter.
i believe every morning as im driving to daycare and then work that God puts on the radio the "right" song for me that day. today it was "Voice of Truth". and i was reminded how God spontaneously led me to New Orleans with a group from Grace nearly 3 years ago, and how i have changed since then. i chose to "listen and believe the Voice of Truth". i have always believed, but not always listened. doing both is DYNAMIC! that trip renewed my passion for teens, and brought me back as a leader of Grace GUYs & GALs and i love it! so i also look forward to wednesdays (are you sensing a pattern here?)
i've been too self-sufficient for too many years, and God has been doing a new thing with me by removing my barriers to connecting. i look forward to connecting through this blog.
Trish Van Zee
Monday, February 16, 2009
Monday Feb 16, 2009
I just want to start by saying I've never done this before (blogged). So I'm a greenhorn, here goes...
This is Gina. I feel like I should have a "handle" or something - like the truckers do on their CB radios, (maybe they don't even use those anymore???) I do not like any of the critters mentioned, but would have to say that snakes top the list because I've had more experiences with those!
My family is husband Bruce of 18 years, three awesome sons: Ben is 16, Lucas is 10 and Levi is 8. Bruce grew up in this area - Sully and he has been working for Pella Corp since college in Information Tech. I grew up in SD (South Dakota, not San Diego unfortunately). We met at Dordt College.
I have a rather "public" position at Grace. You can see me leading worship or singing with a team up front. So you may think I'm quite outgoing - but in actuality I'm rather shy. It is hard for me to connect with people on Sundays after church. I'm often distracted due to trying to process the service (especially when I lead) and I probably come across as stand-offish. I want to apologize if you experience me in that way. I would love to get to know more of you. I see new faces when I look out at the crowd and I love that!! I always wonder what God is up to in your lives.
I am also on staff part time at Grace and I love meeting people when they stop in. It is so rewarding to pray with people and see first hand how God works things out when we bring our problems to Him. I don't think people know they can stop in and be prayed with/for - I hope that happens more and more in the future. I'm typically at Grace on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I'm often there Monday and Friday but those days are more flexible.
I would appreciate your prayers - I'm experiencing first hand the right- hand column of the jahari window Roger talked about, through a course called The Christ Life Solution ( There are blind spots and unknown areas being exposed right now and it is painful. I'm in a small group of trusted people walking with me, and I'm taking it as a pilot to see if we want to offer it at Grace in the future. So, please pray that I stay the course and God uses it to "set me free from the law of sin and death" (yesterdays message, Romans 7 - last verses).
A girlfriend in Christ,
Gina Jansen
This is Gina. I feel like I should have a "handle" or something - like the truckers do on their CB radios, (maybe they don't even use those anymore???) I do not like any of the critters mentioned, but would have to say that snakes top the list because I've had more experiences with those!
My family is husband Bruce of 18 years, three awesome sons: Ben is 16, Lucas is 10 and Levi is 8. Bruce grew up in this area - Sully and he has been working for Pella Corp since college in Information Tech. I grew up in SD (South Dakota, not San Diego unfortunately). We met at Dordt College.
I have a rather "public" position at Grace. You can see me leading worship or singing with a team up front. So you may think I'm quite outgoing - but in actuality I'm rather shy. It is hard for me to connect with people on Sundays after church. I'm often distracted due to trying to process the service (especially when I lead) and I probably come across as stand-offish. I want to apologize if you experience me in that way. I would love to get to know more of you. I see new faces when I look out at the crowd and I love that!! I always wonder what God is up to in your lives.
I am also on staff part time at Grace and I love meeting people when they stop in. It is so rewarding to pray with people and see first hand how God works things out when we bring our problems to Him. I don't think people know they can stop in and be prayed with/for - I hope that happens more and more in the future. I'm typically at Grace on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I'm often there Monday and Friday but those days are more flexible.
I would appreciate your prayers - I'm experiencing first hand the right- hand column of the jahari window Roger talked about, through a course called The Christ Life Solution ( There are blind spots and unknown areas being exposed right now and it is painful. I'm in a small group of trusted people walking with me, and I'm taking it as a pilot to see if we want to offer it at Grace in the future. So, please pray that I stay the course and God uses it to "set me free from the law of sin and death" (yesterdays message, Romans 7 - last verses).
A girlfriend in Christ,
Gina Jansen
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Ok ladies, I know that sometimes just being asked to write anything can be a little intimidating so I thought maybe I could pose a question so you could share your deepest thoughts. I admit I had to Google to search for some interesting question and I found a list. For our first week I chose one I could answer easily. If you don't want to post feel free to take part in our non-scientific survey. So the question for the week is.....What "critter" scares you the most?
For me it is bats. I hate them and this summer because of a hole in my ceiling I had several. I finally conquered one about 5 am one morning when I was half dressed with a tennis racket. The feeling can only be described as "I am woman hear me roar!" At least I know that I can beat them but I am still scared to death of them. Like mice with wings but that's another fear all together.
Blessings to all of you...
For me it is bats. I hate them and this summer because of a hole in my ceiling I had several. I finally conquered one about 5 am one morning when I was half dressed with a tennis racket. The feeling can only be described as "I am woman hear me roar!" At least I know that I can beat them but I am still scared to death of them. Like mice with wings but that's another fear all together.
Blessings to all of you...
Hello all, my family and I have been attending Grace for a little over a year now. We have also tried some different churches during this time but love coming to Grace and would love to call this our home church. That being said, our family needs to do a better job of connecting with others. I see a lot of familiar faces each Sunday but do not know many of you on a personal level. We truly appreciate how welcoming everyone is at Grace. In general we are running a little late to church on Sundays and do not participate much in fellowship because of this. I would love to be more connected to each and every one of you. I enjoyed my conversations today with Sara and Kathy. Thank you for taking the time to approach me.
So a little about our family...I am Jessica Hartwick and my husband is Ty. I stay at home with our two girls, Addison (age 4) and Ella (age 2). We are expecting another little blessing May 7th, another girl. We have lived in Pella for almost four years now. My husband works at Vermeer. I grew up in the Des Moines area and Ty grew up in Bloomfield, south of Pella. We love Pella and cannot imagine being anywhere else right now. I hope to get to know more of you soon!
To learn a little more about our family you can follow our blog at:
Jessica Hartwick
So a little about our family...I am Jessica Hartwick and my husband is Ty. I stay at home with our two girls, Addison (age 4) and Ella (age 2). We are expecting another little blessing May 7th, another girl. We have lived in Pella for almost four years now. My husband works at Vermeer. I grew up in the Des Moines area and Ty grew up in Bloomfield, south of Pella. We love Pella and cannot imagine being anywhere else right now. I hope to get to know more of you soon!
To learn a little more about our family you can follow our blog at:
Jessica Hartwick
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Woo-hoo! This "low-tech" Nana is on! ( whatever.) Miss Joy, you always have challenged me!
My hope, and prayer, is to become better acquainted with the younger gals at GF. Sometimes, I feel "out of the loop" with them because I don't have, (make?), as many occasions to visit with them. At the same time, I treasure my 50-and-60-something friends. I love the variety in God's family!
So, some things about me. I am 53 years old and married to Verlan for nearly 35 years. I grew up in the Pella area, and except for a few years in Sully, have lived here always. God has blessed our family with 4 children and 6 grandchildren. Verlan is a Vermeer employee and I work at Marion County Bank. That's kind of the statistics.
I'm not quite ready to share my heart, yet---I have a measure of Dutch C.R.C. stoicism!---but I trust as we get to know one another, God will release me to snuggle in closer to each one of you.
Kathy Arkema
P.S. You'll notice that I like to use parentheses.
My hope, and prayer, is to become better acquainted with the younger gals at GF. Sometimes, I feel "out of the loop" with them because I don't have, (make?), as many occasions to visit with them. At the same time, I treasure my 50-and-60-something friends. I love the variety in God's family!
So, some things about me. I am 53 years old and married to Verlan for nearly 35 years. I grew up in the Pella area, and except for a few years in Sully, have lived here always. God has blessed our family with 4 children and 6 grandchildren. Verlan is a Vermeer employee and I work at Marion County Bank. That's kind of the statistics.
I'm not quite ready to share my heart, yet---I have a measure of Dutch C.R.C. stoicism!---but I trust as we get to know one another, God will release me to snuggle in closer to each one of you.
Kathy Arkema
P.S. You'll notice that I like to use parentheses.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Today after four grandkid basketball games, I headed to Lake Red Rock below the dam. No solitude there; the cabin fever crowd had busted loose! I loved it though...families, dogs, strollers, bicycles, fishermen, kayaks, rollerbladers and photographers with expensive cameras seeking that one awesome shot of an eagle. The eagles were flying, soaring, and turning, dropping to kick up a spray of water. "They will soar on wings like eagles..."
Michael W. Smith's tune to Psalm 8:1 played in my mind over and over, "O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth."
Lana Ringgenberg
Cool idea!
Thanks, Joy for starting this blog. I think it's a fabulous idea! I have to admit, this is a little scary for me. Many things are whirling through my head. What if I say (type) the wrong thing? I want to be connected, but how will you all feel about me when you really get to know me? God's been growing me a lot lately, and it isn't always pretty! Many times I feel awkward, but I cling to the promise that He makes everything beautiful in His time! Anyway, I will be watching the posts and hopefully getting up the courage to post my own stuff every once in awhile.
Jodi Vos
Jodi Vos
Friday, February 6, 2009
Good morning Ladies of Grace! (now how COOL does that sound? Ladies of Grace?!?!!!)
I want to also say YIPPEEE YAHOOO for Joy following the leading and her heart and starting this. We have been at Grace for right at 7 years now (wow, that's hard to believe) and often I still feel disconnected. Maybe it is because I seem unapproachable as I'm navigating my large family Whatever the real reason is, I've been feeling a need for women to connect and unite. In this busy world we live in, blogging is a great way for us to do this.
Right now life is a crazy whirlwind of activities with 1 high schooler, 2 boys and 2 girls (sometimes 3 if Chloe can finaggle her way into going to practice with Coach Dad) playing AAU basketball, 2 very active little ones still at home. One top of that I am directing "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" at PCGS with about 30 8th graders and 31 2nd graders as Oompa Loompas.
So how do I stay grounded and rooted in Jesus Christ? That is TOUGH sometimes. I am taking Vantage Point 3 this year and OH MY that has been quite an experience! My favorite times with Christ come early in the mornings when I go for a run or go to the gym.
So that is some basics of what is currently going on in my about the rest of you?
In HIS great Love,
~lisa k morgan
I want to also say YIPPEEE YAHOOO for Joy following the leading and her heart and starting this. We have been at Grace for right at 7 years now (wow, that's hard to believe) and often I still feel disconnected. Maybe it is because I seem unapproachable as I'm navigating my large family
Right now life is a crazy whirlwind of activities with 1 high schooler, 2 boys and 2 girls (sometimes 3 if Chloe can finaggle her way into going to practice with Coach Dad) playing AAU basketball, 2 very active little ones still at home. One top of that I am directing "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" at PCGS with about 30 8th graders and 31 2nd graders as Oompa Loompas.
So how do I stay grounded and rooted in Jesus Christ? That is TOUGH sometimes. I am taking Vantage Point 3 this year and OH MY that has been quite an experience! My favorite times with Christ come early in the mornings when I go for a run or go to the gym.
So that is some basics of what is currently going on in my about the rest of you?
In HIS great Love,
~lisa k morgan
Thursday, February 5, 2009
I just wanted to see if I could do this. I'm tired after working all day and I've been to two and one-half basketball games tonight. Shouldn't be tired when I just sat in the bleachers. However, then I came home and read my email and found this blog. What a neat idea!
I hope others will write.
I know the feeling of "disconnect" and sometimes I still feel a little strange walking into Grace as just a few months ago, the only people we knew in the entire church were the DeWaards (and we didn't know them all too well, either). I am thankful that people are friendly though at Grace, and I rarely still feel "disconnected" by the time I walk OUT the door. It is so important to work on that.'s a little late. I just wanted to try to get on here...and to cheer for your idea, Joy.
Lana Ringgenberg
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Welcome to our blog
Welcome to the Women of Grace blog. I am so glad that you are here. Creating a blog for the women of Grace Fellowship to share, connect and learn more about each other, themselves and their Heavenly Father has been on my heart for quite some time. This week it just started pressing on me for many reasons. I would like to try and explain what happened and how I feel like now the Spirit has lead me (us) to this place.
I woke up Sunday morning and in getting ready for church I couldn't shake the feeling of disconnectedness. We have been gone a couple of Sundays, in the nursery for 1 and I taught son zone for 2 so I was feeling a little "out of the loop." And I heard Roger's sermon and said "Huh...ok that was good." and I went home. On Monday for some strange reason I decided to set up a facebook site, account, whatever the term is for it. I had some Florida pictures I love and I wanted to share them with the world. :) I was amazed at how quickly I got "connected" within just a few minutes of being on there. So this is what this is all about. Quick conversations with friends, cute videos of my great nieces, people I haven't talked to in ages writing on my wall! This was great. Then I saw another post from someone else who also felt disconnected on Sunday and I just stopped in my tracks. I was thankful I was not alone but also mindful that Satan wants us to feel like that and maybe we will isolate and not talk to others and not grow.
And I realized this facebook and blogging thing is all about being known. Share what you are doing now, look at pictures of my kids, read my profile, this is what I read, love, value.... It reminded me of when Roger was talking about repentance on Sunday, we want God to know us, really know us. God built us to be in relationships, to share, to be known , be accepted in our "communities" and "groups," to be with others who are like us.
So this is how this came to pass, Facebook is great but for an ADD mind like mine I can't focus on one thought because there is so much to do and see. I wanted to give us a place to share our thoughts, maybe you read a cool devotional and you want to tell someone about it, maybe you want to process out a sermon or bible study, maybe you have a prayer request or you just feel like you want to share your heart. Whatever you post is ok. There are no rights or wrongs except to be sure if you are commenting on someone's post please make sure you are doing so in love-just like how we talk to each other now. Also when you post sign your name because otherwise it will say "Women of Grace" and we won't know who posted it.
So that's it...I am praying over this site that God will be glorified and you will be blessed.
Blessings to you,
I woke up Sunday morning and in getting ready for church I couldn't shake the feeling of disconnectedness. We have been gone a couple of Sundays, in the nursery for 1 and I taught son zone for 2 so I was feeling a little "out of the loop." And I heard Roger's sermon and said "Huh...ok that was good." and I went home. On Monday for some strange reason I decided to set up a facebook site, account, whatever the term is for it. I had some Florida pictures I love and I wanted to share them with the world. :) I was amazed at how quickly I got "connected" within just a few minutes of being on there. So this is what this is all about. Quick conversations with friends, cute videos of my great nieces, people I haven't talked to in ages writing on my wall! This was great. Then I saw another post from someone else who also felt disconnected on Sunday and I just stopped in my tracks. I was thankful I was not alone but also mindful that Satan wants us to feel like that and maybe we will isolate and not talk to others and not grow.
And I realized this facebook and blogging thing is all about being known. Share what you are doing now, look at pictures of my kids, read my profile, this is what I read, love, value.... It reminded me of when Roger was talking about repentance on Sunday, we want God to know us, really know us. God built us to be in relationships, to share, to be known , be accepted in our "communities" and "groups," to be with others who are like us.
So this is how this came to pass, Facebook is great but for an ADD mind like mine I can't focus on one thought because there is so much to do and see. I wanted to give us a place to share our thoughts, maybe you read a cool devotional and you want to tell someone about it, maybe you want to process out a sermon or bible study, maybe you have a prayer request or you just feel like you want to share your heart. Whatever you post is ok. There are no rights or wrongs except to be sure if you are commenting on someone's post please make sure you are doing so in love-just like how we talk to each other now. Also when you post sign your name because otherwise it will say "Women of Grace" and we won't know who posted it.
So that's it...I am praying over this site that God will be glorified and you will be blessed.
Blessings to you,
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