Monday, May 11, 2009

What's Stirring With Me

Hebrews 11:13 rocks my world. In all honesty, I don’t like it. I don’t like that the faithful ones died without receiving what God promised them. It doesn’t seem fair. I know this chapter is supposed to be encouraging – full of great examples of faith. And yes, I agree they absolutely are examples of great faith. But I wonder if some of these people had been interviewed at different points in their lives what it would have sounded like? “So, Abraham, how’s it going?” How would he have answered that question at age 89? And this is coming from a person who has faith in the top of her gift mix! I’ve gotta tell ya, faith isn’t easy and it aint for the faint of heart!!

Ok, here’s the rub. I don’t like the first part of the verse, but I LOVE the second part: “but they saw it all from a distance and welcomed the promises of God.” There are times when I too, “see it all from a distance”. I can’t even always tell you what I’m seeing, but I see it. People worshipping, bowed down, prostrate. A holy people of God laid out before Him, all they want is to be near Him. For Him to touch them, heal them, restore them. What do you see from a distance? What are the promises of God you welcome/receive/claim?

The last part says “They agreed that they were no more than foreigners and nomads here on earth.” I wish I could relate to that better. But I’m a bit too earth bound to fully appreciate this sentiment. Maybe because I have young children and I want to watch them grow up and I want be part of their lives. Maybe my eyes aren’t fixed on Jesus as fully as they could be. I don’t know. I also don’t know who they “agreed” with. They didn’t agree with each other, as they didn’t live at the same time. Did they agree with God? Did God sit down and have a nice chat with them one day about earth and heaven and their future address, so they agreed with Him that earth was not their true home?

I really liked what Bruce VW said about us having a longing for “better” within us. In Heb. 11:10 it says that Abraham was confidently looking forward to a city with eternal foundations, a city designed and built by God. So, Abraham must have “seen” this eternal city somehow. Maybe not literally, but he “knew” it existed or he wouldn’t have been confident. This reminded me of other verses in Hebrews about the real Temple in heaven. It makes sense that if there is an eternal city, there’s going to be a temple, right? I didn’t know ( 8:5, 9:23-24) the Tabernacle designs given to Moses were just a “copy, a shadow of the real one in heaven.” This blew me away! It makes total sense though!! Jesus had to provide a way for people to worship God in His presence – in Heaven and the only way to do that was by His sacrifice. Hebrews 9:11-12 says Jesus brought his blood into the Most Holy Place in the heavenly tabernacle – the perfect sanctuary NOT made by human hands!! Did you know that? Incredible!
So, that’s what’s been stirring lately for me.
Gina J.

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