Sunday, May 31, 2009


At work, the other day, I came acrossed a book called, "Spiritual Disciplines Companion" by Jan Johnson. I took it home to investigate, because I have had an interest in learning and possibly trying to practise (more intentionally) the Spiritual Disciplines. So when Roger introduced the idea of fasting this morning, I realized that God wants me to pursue this discipline. I am excited and scared about doing it. It is hard for me to finish strong - I start well, and even persevere, but when the going gets tough, I get crabby.

This book puts Simplicity and Fasting in the same chapter because they are both disciplines of abstinence and self-denial. She said, "Simplicity is richness and fasting is feasting in the truest sense." I want to participate and heaven knows I have a laundry list of prayers that I would love to hear the answers to, soon. But is that the reason to fast - to maybe make God hear me or is it to finally be able to hear God and enjoy His presence?

I know God wants me to enter in, but what will be my cost? Am I willing to deny myself to risk letting God that close? What if nothing happens, is that okay with me? What if everything happens, will I try to claim the glory? I am glad to have some time to process all of this - I pray I can be obedient in this and enjoy the ride.

Thursday, May 28, 2009


I am missingYOU on the blog!

I know it is a crazy time of year. I am suppose to be at Joel's class picnic and had to decline so I could be ready with bells on for Ana's dance pictures, Seth's soccer game and Joel's baseball game tonight. So, I sat down to check in with my friends at Grace noticing the blog has been bare for awhile.

Now that it is SUMMER VACATION I was wondering what creative ways you work and play with famiy and friends? I am asking for ALL ages. Do you give allowances? Do you get pool passes? One year I taught my boys to prayer journal some liked it while others did not.

What about your husbands? Do you have romantic picnics in the park? I continue to dream of Italy:) Maybe I will have to try and recreate Italy in IOWA!

How about friends? I was thinking I should intentially walk more inviting friends along. Larry's question has been haunting me from Sunday. Do you fellowship in your home with the people sitting around you on Sunday morning? I used to do better than I do now and maybe that could be where I start this summer for all AGES!

I loved Hebrews and I am missing a series to study in my daily devotions so do any of you know where Pastor Roger is headed next?

Well, thanks for being my friend this day and taking time to read the blog!
Love, Lissa

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Hebrews and rest

The message this week affirmed what I had been thinking about in Hebrews 4:12-"For the word of God is alive and powerful...." The writer speaks of rest and why we should and God commanded it and then without taking a breath he says "For the Word of God is alive and powerful"(can you hear me almost yelling) It is saying you can rest for the Word is workin and it keeps workin and it works harder than you, sees more than you, knows more than you, so REST. Let the Word do it's work. I confess that I pray and I read the Bible and I have faith but (there's always a but) I get busy and impatient and I want to "help" God. I shudder to think how many times I have stood in the way of my own victory because I would not sit down, be still and let the powerful Word of God work.
I asked others to post how they are taking a Sabbath rest this week. So I guess I better do that also. I have been allowed a lot of time alone this week as I am out of town for a couple of days. You would think that I would be quick to take advantage and enjoy some real rest. Thus far I have not. I convince myself that this is a good time to "catch up." Well, no more. I declare that when I am done with this post I am going to put on some worship music and sit in the quiet and be still.
I will be praying for all of you this week that you will find a place of rest.

Monday, May 11, 2009

What's Stirring With Me

Hebrews 11:13 rocks my world. In all honesty, I don’t like it. I don’t like that the faithful ones died without receiving what God promised them. It doesn’t seem fair. I know this chapter is supposed to be encouraging – full of great examples of faith. And yes, I agree they absolutely are examples of great faith. But I wonder if some of these people had been interviewed at different points in their lives what it would have sounded like? “So, Abraham, how’s it going?” How would he have answered that question at age 89? And this is coming from a person who has faith in the top of her gift mix! I’ve gotta tell ya, faith isn’t easy and it aint for the faint of heart!!

Ok, here’s the rub. I don’t like the first part of the verse, but I LOVE the second part: “but they saw it all from a distance and welcomed the promises of God.” There are times when I too, “see it all from a distance”. I can’t even always tell you what I’m seeing, but I see it. People worshipping, bowed down, prostrate. A holy people of God laid out before Him, all they want is to be near Him. For Him to touch them, heal them, restore them. What do you see from a distance? What are the promises of God you welcome/receive/claim?

The last part says “They agreed that they were no more than foreigners and nomads here on earth.” I wish I could relate to that better. But I’m a bit too earth bound to fully appreciate this sentiment. Maybe because I have young children and I want to watch them grow up and I want be part of their lives. Maybe my eyes aren’t fixed on Jesus as fully as they could be. I don’t know. I also don’t know who they “agreed” with. They didn’t agree with each other, as they didn’t live at the same time. Did they agree with God? Did God sit down and have a nice chat with them one day about earth and heaven and their future address, so they agreed with Him that earth was not their true home?

I really liked what Bruce VW said about us having a longing for “better” within us. In Heb. 11:10 it says that Abraham was confidently looking forward to a city with eternal foundations, a city designed and built by God. So, Abraham must have “seen” this eternal city somehow. Maybe not literally, but he “knew” it existed or he wouldn’t have been confident. This reminded me of other verses in Hebrews about the real Temple in heaven. It makes sense that if there is an eternal city, there’s going to be a temple, right? I didn’t know ( 8:5, 9:23-24) the Tabernacle designs given to Moses were just a “copy, a shadow of the real one in heaven.” This blew me away! It makes total sense though!! Jesus had to provide a way for people to worship God in His presence – in Heaven and the only way to do that was by His sacrifice. Hebrews 9:11-12 says Jesus brought his blood into the Most Holy Place in the heavenly tabernacle – the perfect sanctuary NOT made by human hands!! Did you know that? Incredible!
So, that’s what’s been stirring lately for me.
Gina J.


Hebrews 4:9
There remains, then a Sabbath-rest for the people of God.

I have been thinking about our sermon yesterday on "rest."  First of all, does anyone know what music was played while we "quieted ourselves" during the sermon?  That was beautiful and serene, and I would like to have that on a cd. I realize this "Sabbath-rest" is much more in its definition than what I am going to consider in this brief entry.  Nevertheless, lots of us just think of "rest" as this: I'm tired-I need rest!
 How many loving ways God has blessed us with things to give "rest" if only we'll just look.  I consider birds and flowers two ways.  I know it helps that I have more time than some of you to take a look at birds and flowers (and I can just hear some of you muttering to yourself, "Yeah, right, like I have time to look at them?"), but please do just glance at them.  Maybe hang a feeder.  Those birds are endlessly entertaining. 
"Consider the birds of the air" we are reminded. O.K.  That's even biblical. Why are there so many references to birds in the Bible?  I thank God for the variety.  Who would have thought up goldfinches and rose-breasted grosbeaks and nuthatches (who go upside down on trees)?  Who would have thought up soaring eagles and pelicans and hawks?  Who would have thought up squabbling bluejays and whistling cardinals? What about those bright colors?
I used a book for eighth graders where in a futuristic society they had tried to become so safe and so much the "same" that they lost their abilities to see in color or to hear music.  I would pose the question to my students?  Which of these could you give up, if you had to lose one of them for the rest of your life on earth?  It's an agonizing question and produced a few passionate answers as many of them realized that they would never ever want to give up their music (they listened to it all the time).  However, losing the beauty of color would rob sooo much joy in life also. We were all glad we didn't have to give up either. Then I am reminded that we always have those who are blind and deaf.  Jesus gave them back sight and hearing.  Oh...what a gift!  
One ironic note: During the last of the sermon on "rest," my husband and I scurried out of the church to beat it over to the all-community church service going on in the Pella town center (as our grandson was singing in a choir there).  We breathlessly fell into our seats there in the bleachers in time to hear the choir and a very good sermon on "Patience."  (We aren't very good at resting and we aren't very patient people either...but God invites us to both.)

Monday, May 4, 2009

Hebrews messages

Last weeks Hebrews message this verse caught my eye. Hebrews 12:2 " Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author of our faith, who for the joy set before him endureth the cross, scorning it's shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God." I have learned alot about fixing my eyes on Jesus. The depression problems I have right now is to a struggle point. Roger has taught me a great deal about faith and praying. God has spoken to me alot through Roger and I thank God for that. I thank God for sending him to our church. Larry was right Sunday may 3rd. He is a blessing to our church. This weeks message the words that Larry talked about was "It is Finished." To me that means it is done our sins are covered with his blood. I have went through alot in the past 11 months since my dad's death. In the past 4 years I have lost a Mother, Father, Mike's grandfather, and yesterday I lost my Aunt. All these most precious people in my life. God is teaching me something. Sometimes I don't know what he is trying to teach me. I went to see my Aunt and she passed away not 2 mins. before I got there. I did go in and look at her, it was so hard for me but for some reason I had to go look at her. She looked like my mother. I cried, but I know she is in heaven with my other family. Nelson and Norma took Mike and I to see my aunt, then I wanted to go by my mom and dad's grave. But, first Nelson took me by the house they lived in and then to their grave. Well, I hadn't been there and my Aunt (my dad's step sister) had put these vases on each side of the tombstone and I didn't know about it. Yes, I was angry but of course I know that is a cover up word for hurt. But, I just thought to myself "It is finished." My parents aren't there and as Roger has taught me to "Let it GO." All I hope is that she finds Jesus. That is all my father ever wanted. So, I said "It is Finished." Life is too short to carry anger. That doesn't mean that I still can sometimes be angry at God. But, he is our provider, protector, and friend. Thanks for letting me share. God bless each and everyone of you. Love in Christ, Lorie Klyn

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Hebrews week 2

Spent some time in Hebrews 4 this afternoon. I don't want to write a long post this time so I am picking out the one thing that I just need to tell someone about.
Hebrews 4:12-"For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any two edged sword, it penetrates event to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the hearts and attitudes of the heart."
When I first read this it struck me that the WORD is LIVING and ACTIVE. It is not a passive book or document. It doesn't need someone to explain it or disect it. It does all the work. That's why each person will grasp something different from any given passage than another person. It's a personal love letter to each person. It was written with you in mind. Wow. Take a moment and soak that it. Remember that when you read the Bible. It's not just an bunch of stories or a history lesson. It's God's way of revealing himself to you. I was struck this week that God is not merely to be studied and figured out and held at arms length. He wants me to KNOW Him and he wants to speak to me. He wants to speak to you too.
The second thing I can't wait to share with you. It is the weekly Greek words. The word "two-edged sword" is used a bit in scripture. Revelations 1:16 describes a sword coming out of Jesus' mouth. Ephesians 6:17 speaks of the sword of the Spirit which is the word of God. This word is rhema-or "quickened word." The word for two edged sword is kind of strange but very cool-distomos. It is a compound word meaning di-two and stomos-mouth, literally translated two mouthed sword. I read a devotional that explained it kind of like this. When you are praying a Bible verse rises up in you and you claim that promise from God. You have received a word that came right from the mouth of God. After you meditate on it and you grow excited you want to say it outloud. When you are faced with spiritual warfare. Say it outloud. When you do those powerful words come out of your mouth and they are like a mighty 2 edged sword to fight back the attacks of the enemy. Study the word....speak the word....FIGHT.
I pray this is an encouragement for you.