Wednesday, September 30, 2009

If MONEY was not an option

The truth for me in answering Joy's question is instead of making breakfast I would rather share life with friends over a warm cup of coffee. Instead of cleaning I would rather read scripture and prayer journal, spend time with my kids or shop with friends. It continues to bug me that I don't enjoy domestic work more and know if money was not an option I would hire my house cleaned weekly, cars washed, lawn mowed, meals catered or fast food would do. The only thing I would not hire is a nanny because I love to care for my children!

God's Wisdom for Little Girls is a children's book written by Elizabeth George. It shares the virtues of the proverb women from Proverbs 31. I try to read one page each night to Ana before bedtime enjoying the ryhmes myself. Longing to be a Proverb women and inspired by Proverb 31:22a She makes coverings for her bed I bought material to make a quilt for our bed and I don't know how to quilt!?! So I plug on trying to find quick and easy recipes to cook, I am grateful for cleaning help, our sons are in charge of the yard and I use the automatic car wash!

Maybe there are more of you that don't enjoy cooking and we could share easy recipes? My cousin told me she puts a frozen pound of hamburger in a crock pot (sprayed with Pam) in the morning, sprinkles it with a little minced onion, salt and pepper, turns the crock pot on low and when they get home from work they have a cheap and tasty meal!

I cherish what Joy's friend shared . . . . If you want to see my house make an appt. but if you want to see me come on over!!! Love, Lissa

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